Getting started with the basics


BLUEPHRASE syntax allows authors to compose their thoughts using the natural language skills they already have. It's clean and simple when writing, and easy on the eyes when reading.


BLUEPHRASE syntax is simply a nesting of phrases, one within the other, building up the author's written words into a complete document.

Using the nomenclature of BLUEPHRASE — paragraphs automatically become basic phrases . . . sections of a document become containers . . . and emphasized words become terms.

Types of phrases
The three types of phrases: basic, container, and term.
Nesting terms within terms
Placing a term phrase within another term phrase works as expected.
Containers within containers
Dividing and subdividing a composition for organization and structure.

Semantic tags

HTML semantic tags are called semantax within BLUEPHRASE. This distinguishes simple unadorned mnemonics, like table, from more convoluted opening and closing mnemonics, like <table> and </table>.

Implicit semantax
Omitting semantax when it can be determined through context.

Getting started with the basics

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