Front matter, body matter, back matter

Doppelmarks for Books

BLUEPHRASE has three doppelmarks just for books. They allow authors, editors and typographers to work together to build high-fidelity glossaries, footnotes/endnotes, and indexes.


Using glossmarks to build a "Glossary" back-matter section.
Using notemarks to build an "End Notes" back-matter section.
Defining index entries to build a book "Index".

Glossary Builder

Removing glossary backlinks
Removing backlinks from glossary to glossmarks.
Building multiple glossaries
Build separate glossaries for distinct purposes.
Glossary sort order
Ordering glossary definitions sequentially or alphabetically.

Notes Builder

Removing footnote backlinks
Removing backlinks from endnotes to notemarks.
Specifying footnote markers
Choosing between footnote-style and endnote-style markers.
Building separate footnotes
Building separate footnotes per chapter.

Index Builder

Unmarked index entries
Adding unmarked index entries.
Secondary index entries
Adding secondary index entries.
Cross-reference index entries
Adding cross reference index entries.

Front matter, body matter, back matter

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