Super-technical HTML

Fiddling With Domain-Specific BLUEPHRASE


Using listmarks to build a document's table of contents.
Using citemarks to build a "References Cited" back-matter section.
Using glossmarks to build a "Glossary" back-matter section.
Using notemarks to build an "End Notes" back-matter section.
Defining index entries to build a book "Index".

List Builder

BLUEPHRASE has special doppelmarks for structured reports with hierarchical headings.

Abbreviated listmarks
Building a table of contents with abbreviated text.
Removing links to listmarks
Removing hyperlinks from the table of contents to listmarks.
Building two or more lists using coalescers
Build a list of figures, a list of photo credits, and more.
Listmark sort order
Ordering listmark items sequentially, numerically, or alphabetically.

Citations Builder

BLUEPHRASE also has special doppelmarks for placing citations inline, directly adjacent to the material that references them.

Removing citation backlinks
Removing backlinks from citations to citemarks.
Building separate references cited
Build separate "References Cited" for articles or chapters.
Citations sort order
Ordering citemark items sequentially or alphabetically.

Glossary Builder

BLUEPHRASE has doppelmarks that allow authors to build high-fidelity glossaries.

Removing glossary backlinks
Removing backlinks from glossary to glossmarks.
Building multiple glossaries
Build separate glossaries for distinct purposes.
Glossary sort order
Ordering glossary definitions sequentially or alphabetically.

Notes Builder

BLUEPHRASE has doppelmarks to allow authors to create inline footnotes and endnotes.

Removing footnote backlinks
Removing backlinks from endnotes to notemarks.
Specifying footnote markers
Choosing between footnote-style and endnote-style markers.
Building separate footnotes
Building separate footnotes per chapter.

Index Builder

BLUEPHRASE has doppelmarks that allow authors, editors and typographers to work together to build professional book indexes.

Unmarked index entries
Adding unmarked index entries.
Secondary index entries
Adding secondary index entries.
Cross-reference index entries
Adding cross reference index entries.


The special marks for server-side scripting languages can be used together with BLUEPHRASE.

PHP, Java Server Pages, and Active Server Pages can coexist, allowing a single source of truth for server-side HTML scripting.

Embedding PHP within a BLUEPHRASE document.
Java Server Pages
Embedding JSP within a BLUEPHRASE document.
Active Server Pages
Embedding Microsoft ASPX within a BLUEPHRASE document.
Disabling xenomarks
Turning off the xenomark handler.

Super-technical HTML

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